Andrews Charitable Trust Community Grants – apply at any time

The Andews Charitable Trust has two charitable objectives – the advancement of the Christian religion and the relief of sickness, poverty and distress in any part of the world as an expression of Christian love.  They welcome applications from both secular and Christian organisations who want to achieve social change.

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DWF Foundation – apply at any time

Funding is available from the DWF Foundation for initiatives that develop and improve local communities by tackling specific issues, helping voluntary and community groups, encouraging community involvement by excluded individuals and enabling young people to develop skills for the benefit of the community.

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Brexit Briefing from NAVCA

The National Association for Voluntary and Community Action (NAVCA) has produced a briefing paper which sets out some of the potential implications of the UK’s exit from the EU on VCSE organisations and the economy and public services.

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Making Every Contact Count in Richmond – free online training

A series of short online training courses is available specifically to support people working on the frontline of our local communities.

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Esmee Fairbairn Foundation – funding change for the better

The Esmee Fairbairn Foundation likes to consider work which others may find hard to fund, perhaps because it breaks new ground, appears too risky, requires core funding, or needs a more unusual form of financial help.

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Garfield Weston Foundation – funding to make a positive difference

The Garfield Weston Foundation supports a broad range of UK charities and a wide range of causes and charities.   Grants are available for Arts, Community, Education, Environment, Faith, Health, Museums & heritage, Welfare and Youth.

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The Rayne Foundation – apply any time

The Rayne Foundation funds creative ways of tackling entrenched social issues through the arts, health, wellbeing and education.  They are particularly interested in supporting young people’s mental health, arts as a tool to achieve social change and improving life for carers and older people.

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NHS Long Term Plan

NHS England has just published The NHS Long Term Plan which promises to save almost half a million more lives with practical action on major killer conditions and investment in cutting edge treatments.

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Transform Your Fundraising and Governance – for just £10 – £20

The FSI’s popular small charity training is back in London from 5-7 February, with support from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. Continue reading “Transform Your Fundraising and Governance – for just £10 – £20”

Young Carers Support Worker, Richmond Carers Centre

35 hours per week / £24,000-£26,400 gross per annum

Fixed-term contract until end March 2020 (extension subject to funding to end March 2021).

Find out more from the Richmond Carers Centre website.