Our Staff

We are a small, dedicated staff team with a collective wealth of knowledge to support the work of the local voluntary and community sector.  We will always do our best to help with what we can and connect you with alternative suggestions and resources, when needed.

Kathryn Williamson – Director

Tel. 020 8843 7945 / kathrynw@richmondcvs.org.uk

Kathryn was appointed as RCVS’ Director in 2017, having originally joined the organisation in 2009 as Health and Partnerships Manager.  She now focuses on providing leadership for the voluntary and community sector and championing its role in the borough, as well as maintaining strong links with partners which include Richmond Council, the Clinical Commissioning Group and local stakeholders. She has worked in the sector for over 20 years, with her previous experience including regional infrastructure, health and funding organisations.  In addition to her main leadership role, Kathryn continues to lead the local Health and Wellbeing Network.

Contact Kathryn for strategic issues and partnerships, CEO Network and Health and Wellbeing Network.

Julie Gavin – Capacity Building Manager

Tel. 020 8843 7945 / julieg@richmondcvs.org.uk

Julie has an MA in Leisure Management and is a qualified funding adviser and trainer.  She has worked in the voluntary sector for 12 years. She specialises in fundraising and governance but can advise on many aspects of running a small charity/community group. Julie has worked for local and national charities, including NCVO. She has volunteered widely, in the UK and abroad, in practical support roles (children’s group assistant, youth football team) and as a trustee.  Julie is passionate about the impact small charities make and is particularly committed to supporting trustees and boards.  

Contact Julie for funding advice and bid reviews, governance advice, setting up a new organisation, training needs – in fact any aspect of running your charity or community group (whatever stage you’re at). 

Heather Mathew – Children and Young People’s Voluntary Sector Strategic Lead Manager

Tel. 020 8843 7945 / heatherm@richmondcvs.org.uk

Heather has worked in the voluntary sector for over 20 years and has particular expertise in supporting the work of children and young people’s organisations and safeguarding.   She works across all aspects of charity business, including funding advice, and has a fantastic record of supporting local charities and initiatives to enrich communities in Richmond.  She has vast volunteering experience, ranging from work with older people, health organisations, overseas relief charities and learning disability groups for young people – to name a few. 

Contact Heather for organisational and funding advice, particularly if you are working with children and young people, safeguarding and organisational developmental enquiries.

Bruno Meekings – Community Involvement Manager

Tel. 020 8843 7945 / brunom@richmondcvs.org.uk

Bruno has worked in the voluntary sector for over 25 years and has extensive experience in a range of capacities. In addition to his work in Richmond, this has included being the Voluntary Sector representative to the SW London CCG Board and a Board Member of Hammersmith and Fulham CCG.  He is committed to ensuring that change is driven by engagement,  involvement and co-production.

Contact Bruno about local engagement and participation, particularly in the areas of health and care.

Caroline Thorogood – Volunteering Services Manager

Tel. 020 8843 7940 / carolinet@richmondcvs.org.uk

Following a successful career in research, advertising and marketing, and involvement in numerous and varied volunteer projects, Caroline moved into the voluntary sector 10 years ago.  She has developed a range of skills but now specialises in volunteer management and good practice.  She joined RCVS in 2016 to set up the Richmond Volunteer Service, which offers support to both potential and existing volunteers, alongside supporting local organisations with volunteering programmes and opportunities.

The Volunteer Service is also supported by Viv Dunn. Viv first joined RCVS in 2010 as a Volunteer Adviser and was instrumental in helping to set up the now established Volunteer Service in 2016.

Contact Caroline for volunteer recruitment, volunteer management support and training and any volunteering-related enquiries.

Carmen Vicos – Volunteer Service Coordinator

Tel. 020 8843 7945 / carmenv@richmondcvs.org.uk

Carmen joined us in September 2022 to assist the work of the Volunteer Service. Carmen has worked in the voluntary sector for 30 years, in paid and unpaid roles including administration and direct service provision in the health and homelessness sectors in the UK and Australia.

Contact Carmen to discuss volunteering opportunities, promotion of volunteering and volunteer management support and training.

Sid Li – Communications and Administration Officer

Tel. 020 8843 7945 /sidl@richmondcvs.org.uk

Sid joined in 2016 to take a lead on communications, including the website and social media accounts, and to assist with training and events and back office administration.  Following a varied career including retail, HR, property, design and a lot of music, she has worked in the voluntary sector for over 15 years at both local (Citizens Advice Richmond, RB Mind) and London-wide level (Greater London Volunteering).   Her volunteering roles have included work with children’s groups, buddying with a health organisation, helping at community cafe and online reading support for a national children’s literacy charity. 

Contact Sid for communications issues, including news items and website content, and for assistance with event and general enquiries.

Fran MacDonald – Team Assistant

Tel. 020 8843 7945 / franm@richmondcvs.org.uk

Fran joined RCVS in April 2021 to support the administration of our work and activities.  She has a BSc in Psychology and has volunteered in various roles over recent years, ranging from helping out at Kingston Library and working with children at a local primary school, to providing administrative support at RB Mind. Working in these roles encouraged her to pursue a career in the voluntary sector.

Contact Fran for training, event and all general enquiries.

Our Trustees 

Gerry Sheridan (Chair)

Philip Wright (Vice Chair)

Nic Dowler (Treasurer)

Alastair Procter

Dominique Phipp

Edward de Waal

Mark Smith