Photograph of Coproduction group standing outdoors on steps of York House

Health and social care co-production

Co-production is a fundamental part of the way that we work and, together with Richmond Council and the NHS Integrated Care Board, we organise a Health and Social Care Co-production Group.

Here we have provided a glimpse of some of what we, experts by experience, service users and carers and the Council, do to promote co-production and the difference it can make.

One thing we have all been doing since the Care Act came into place is meeting together quarterly in what has become a Health and Social Care Co-production Group.

In June we started talking about how co-production could fit with Adult Safeguarding. Rhiannon Cardillo, the Borough’s Principal Social Worker continued an earlier conversation with the group on Practice Standards and Liz Bruce, Director of Adult Social Care came along to talk with the group for about an hour.

More followed during National Co-production week, for example:

We revisited Creativity and Co-production and you can see all the videos made for Co-production Week

If you are interested in getting involved with the Co-production Group please contact Bruno Meekings by email at or call on 0208 843 7945

You can also read our joint press release with Richmond Council for Co-production week here -  and find lots of information on care and support on the Careplace website.