NHS Long Term Plan

NHS England has just published The NHS Long Term Plan which promises to save almost half a million more lives with practical action on major killer conditions and investment in cutting edge treatments.

NHS leaders in England say the plan could save up to 500,000 lives by focusing on prevention and early detection. GPs, mental health and community care will get the biggest funding increases to shift the focus away from hospitals. Prime Minister Theresa May said it was about “reshaping the NHS around the changing needs of patients”.

Some of the new pledges include £2.3bn extra for mental health services, while GP and community care is to get £4.5bn.

The Plan will be on the agenda of the next Richmond CVS Health and Wellbeing Forum (date to be confirmed) but in the meantime you can find further information at www.longtermplan.nhs.uk/ or download the document by clicking on the document title below.

NHS Long Term Plan