The following information is intended to signpost anyone seeking information on carrying out DBS checks on staff or volunteers.
The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 came into effect in September 2012 and made a number of changes to the previous Criminal Records and Barring (CRB) system. The changes were designed to make it more proportionate whilst also ensuring effective protection for those that that may need it.
In brief, DBS checks are required for staff and volunteers who work directly with children and vulnerable adults. For a full list of those roles that are required to have a DBS check read the Home Office DBS Eligibility Guidance on the www.gov.uk website.
DBS checks are chargeable for paid staff and free for volunteers, although an admin fee is charged for processing the check.
A step by step guide to the DBS can be found at the www.gov.uk website.
There are a number of online providers that offer an efficient and effective checking service. You can see the full list of umbrella organisations who can process checks on the Home Office website at www.gov.uk/find-dbs-umbrella-body.