Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations play a vital role in helping keep communities safe during adverse weather. Public Health have provided some of the key guidance that can be used to help protect the communities we work with.
The risks to health from cold weather:
Anyone can feel unwell if they get too cold. Some people are at higher risk of becoming seriously unwell because of exposure to cold. For a list of the key population groups most at risk from cold weather, please see the Cold-Health Alert action card section on who is at risk.
Thinking ahead and preparing for what the weather may bring can make a real difference. There are some simple actions that can help residents to stay safe and healthy at this time of year such as helping them to prepare their homes and encouraging them to take care of their families and friends.
What action is needed?
- Make sure you have reviewed and implement VCS action cards.
- This guidance provides practical information about what action is required at different levels of Cold Health Alert (CHA).You should test out and disseminate CHAs, assess the impact that cold weather might have on provision of, and access to, usual community venues.Ensure staff, volunteers and stakeholders are aware of cold weather guidance.Promote vaccination for COVID-19 and flu among beneficiaries who are eligible, to help reduce risks from respiratory infections during the winter.
- See the full summary checklist for VCS actions corresponding to each alert level.
- Make sure you, colleagues and partners register for Cold-Health Alerts .
- Cascade Public Health messages around cold weather harms
Resources to share with the public:
- Weather and Health Guidance for the Public: Keep Warm Keep Well (Guidance – also in easy read & BSL, home checklist and poster)
- Also available in: العربيَّة, বাংলা, Español, જોર્જિયન, Italiano, ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਗੁਰਮੁਖੀ, Polski, Português, Română, Українська, اردو
Public Health also want to thank the VCS for all their help and support in developing the hot weather infographics and participating in the hot weather assurance activities. They are excited to let you know that the infographics are ready and they will be in touch next year to see if printed copies and social media images are wanted.
During the cold weather period, Public Health may get in touch with organisations to help understand actions they have taken. Responses to their information requests will be gratefully received.
Organisations which are not already subscribed and who would like to receive their cold and hot weather information cascade, or raise any questions about hot or cold weather preparations, can get in touch by emailing healthprotection@richmondandwandsworth.gov.uk.