Training for charities
Charities best practice
Training local groups

Training and events

We provide high quality affordable training delivered by specialists and experts on a wide range of subjects.  Our programme is led by our network and designed to empower trustees, staff and volunteers in our local voluntary and community sector.

You can follow our Eventbrite page to hear about our latest events as they become available.

Please check individual listings to see if they are online or in-person.

NEW:  From the Top Down for Volunteer Coordinators

Tuesday 4 February 2025, 10am - 12.30pm (online)

A brand new session to explore how to more effectively influence senior decision makers in your organisation to better support your volunteer engagement efforts.  Book here.

Richmond CEO Network Meeting

Wednesday 12 February 2025, 10am - 12.30pm

Local leaders can register now for our first CEO meeting of 2025. This is a closed group specifically for Chief Executives/leaders of local VCS in Richmond borough.  Book here.

Effective Governance

Monday 24 February 2025, 6pm - 8.30pm (online)

An always popular session for new and existing trustees looking to refresh their knowledge.  Improve your understanding of the roles and responsibilities, principles and practice.  Book here.

NEW:  Creating Meaningful Volunteer Roles

Thursday 27 February 2025, 10am - 12.30pm (online)

Also new to our volunteer management programme, Rob Jackson will help you create roles that meet the needs of your organisation whilst giving volunteers a fantastic experience.  Book here.

DBS Information Session

Tuesday 4 March 2025, 10am - 11.30am (online)

An informal online session with the DBS Regional Outreach Adviser for Greater London, for those who recruit and manage volunteers where services are being delivered to vulnerable adults and/or children and young people. Find out more and book here.

Funding Advice Sessions

Wednesday 5 March 2025, 10am - 3pm (various timed slots)

Could your local organisation benefit from advice on new sources of funding, writing specific funding applications, new fundraising techniques, other sources of support, or other funding-related issues?  We offer bookable 1-2-1 tailored advice phone or video call sessions. Book here.

SWL Health & Social Care Workforce Development Workshop

Thursday 6 March 2025, 11am - 1pm (online)

Does your charity or community group provide health and social care services in Richmond?
Whether it's practical or emotional support, find out how you can access a wide range of free training and workforce development for staff through the NHS unspent Levy.  Book here.

Extreme Heat Preparedness Workshop 

Tuesday 11 March 2025, 10am - 12pm

Local voluntary and community sector leaders and decision makers are invited to this free training session designed for London community organisations and based on real events. The aim is to prepare both your organisation and community for extreme heat scenarios.  Book here.

Starting Up: How to Become a Charity or Social Enterprise 

Thursday 20 March 2025, 10am - 1pm (online)

Thinking of setting up a community group, charity or social enterprise? This session covers key essentials to consider plus follow-on support to develop your ideas. Learn more and book here.

Volunteer Coordinators' Forum: Building an Inclusive Environment 

Tuesday 1 April 2025, 10am - 12pm

If you recruit and manage volunteers in Richmond borough, join our next in-person Forum.  It will have a focus on best practice and ideas for overcoming potential barriers to volunteering, as well as offering invaluable time and space for updates and networking with local peers.  Book here.

Volunteering is Changing...and so must you

Thu 8 May 2025, 10am - 11am

This free online session will outline the big shifts in volunteering today, with discussion and the opportunity to raise questions.  Gain a better understanding of the contemporary context for volunteering, what it means for your organisation, and ideas to start making changes.  Book here.

Training Costs 

The majority of our courses are fully subsidised for voluntary and community sector organisations delivering services to local communities in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames.

Please read our Training Booking Terms and Conditions (Sep 2018) before registering for any of our sessions.

Bespoke Training

Bespoke training is often more cost effective if you need to train three or more people. We can deliver our standard courses at a location and time to suit your organisation or we can design a session to your specific needs. Contact us to discuss your needs.

Training Advice and Contact

Not sure if a course meets your needs? Can't find what you're looking for?  Another question?