FUNDING: Youth Endowment Fund Psychological Therapies

A £3.5 million fund has been launched to evaluate the effectiveness of psychological therapies delivered to children across England and Wales, who are at risk of becoming involved in crime and violence or those already involved in the youth justice system.

The funding is for projects that aim to treat psychological and emotional problems for children and young people aged 11 to 18, through one-to-one, group, online or phone delivery.

The Youth Endowment Fund is aiming to identify around 2-3 projects that are ready for robust impact evaluation and which can be delivered over a maximum 24-month period.

The funding is available to any organisation, including charities, public services or the private sector.

The closing date for applications is Friday 24 May 2024.

For full details and to apply, visit the Youth Endowment Fund Psychological Therapies Fund webpage.