FUNDING: Small Gardening Grants, MPGA – apply by 28 Feb

Community organisations and schools in London can apply for small grants to preserve and improve gardens, neglected sites and green public open spaces.

The Metropolitan Public Gardens Association (MPGA), grants can be used for a variety of projects, including, for example, planting, equipment purchase, benches and churchyard refurbishments. Previous awards have been made to libraries, church yards, parks and gardens, as well as street scenes, hospitals and hospices, allotments, community gardens, museums, schools and community Centres – many of which benefit the disadvantaged

They welcome hearing from amenity groups in London looking for modest funding or help with a site or garden which has been neglected or where improvements are proposed.

Grants range from a few hundred pounds to a maximum of £1,500.

The Executive Committee considers applications at its quarterly meetings and states the following deadlines:

  • end-February
  • end-May
  • end-August
  • end-November.

The Association also has the experience and skills to help with a wide range of initiatives. It often works in partnership with local authorities and community groups, helping to organise campaigns where key community sites are involved and frequently gives advice in conjunction with applications for Lottery funding and other grants.

For more details and to download an application form, visit the MPGA website.