FUNDING: Making London More Liveable – apply by 31 May

This funding from City Bridge Trust (CBT) seeks to reduce isolation and increase community cohesion among those most at risk of suicide.

They want to fund continuation or expansion of existing work which reduces isolation and enables people living and working in Greater London to feel closer to their community and support people who are most at risk of suicide.

The fund is targeted at organisations working with people where research and evidence shows there is most need for support. They particularly want to support:

  • middle-aged men experiencing deprivation – by deprivation, they mean low income and lack of access to resources and opportunities
  • people in moments of transition, including pregnant women and new mothers, people leaving prison or coming into the criminal justice system, people leaving care, people on waiting lists for mental or physical health services.

Priority will be given to applications where organisations show that they support people experiencing more than one different risk factor for suicide at the same time – eg. pregnant women and new mothers who are also survivors of abuse, autistic people who are also on waiting lists for mental health services, middle-aged men experiencing deprivation who also have substance misuse issues, people in the criminal justice system who have previously self-harmed, people leaving care who also identify as LGBTQ+.

This is not an exhaustive list and they are open to hearing from applicants who support other groups evidenced to be at risk of suicide.

A recording of a pre-application webinar (24 minutes) is available to view and 15 minute pre-application calls can be arranged specifically for this fund.

The closing date for applications is 5pm on Friday 31 May 2024.

For full details and to apply, visit the City Bridge Trust Making London More Liveable webpage.