FUNDING: Hargreaves Trust – apply at any time

UK charities, educational institutions and NHS Trusts can apply to this Trust for funding to support those under the age of 18 who are living with a mental health condition, disability or growing up in poverty.

The Hargreaves Foundation aims to help children and young people fulfil their potential and improve their wellbeing, self-esteem and independence through educational and sporting activities.

This could include initiatives that improve academic engagement and attainment, develop skills to aid future employment, improve life skills, and ensure sport is accessible.

Funding requests must fit with the objective of “transforming young lives through sport and education“.

In addition, they must address one or more of the following priorities:

  • Enables individuals to experience the mental and physical health benefits of participatory sport
  • Ensures participatory sport is accessible (accessibility includes affordability)
  • Provides sporting or educational activities that foster life skills
  • Aims to improve academic engagement and attainment
  • Encourages the development of skills and personal attributes to aid future employability.

There is no minimum or maximum grant amount. It is the intention of the Trustees to distribute the annual income available to The Foundation. This is likely to be in the region of £2,000,000 per annum.

Grants will only be allocated to fund defined projects, initiatives or the purchase of specific items and, wherever possible, payments will be made directly to suppliers. 

Applications are made via an online application form and can be made at any time. They will be reviewed in the month following online submission.

For more information, visit the Hargraves Trust Application Process webpage.