FUNDING: BBC Children in Need – opening Oct 2022

A new grant making strategy has been developed by BBC Children in Need which will begin launching in Autumn 2022.

The strategy will focus on empowering disadvantaged children and young people, building awareness and empathy around issues, and building partnerships to bring communities and investors together.

Project-based funding will continue to be offered. These costs are restricted to the aims and delivery of a specific piece of work with children and young people. They will cover a defined set of activities, which are time limited.  Examples might include project staff costs, trips and outings, volunteer expenses and/or moveable equipment.

Core (organisational) costs will be offered as a separate grants scheme. This funding can be spent flexibly on a grant holder’s central running and operational costs. This might include management and administration, general office costs, accountancy and audit, fundraising, and governance/compliance costs. It is for the expenses required to keep an organisation running.

Both of the above funding streams will open to applications in October 2022.

In Spring 2023, an Emerging Grants Funding stream will be launched for smaller, emerging organisations who may need greater support to access funding.  This will aim to build and diversify the range of organisations and work which Children in Need funds. They will target newer organisations and groups that are underrepresented in their portfolio of grantees. It could be for work on an emerging issue, a new area of focus/audience, or a way of doing things differently.  This stream will permit project, core costs or a combination of both. More information will be available nearer the time about the themes and geographical areas that are a priority.

Organisations will only be able to apply for one of these streams per year.

For more details and to keep in touch with news on the fund, visit the BBC Children in Need website.