FUNDING: 7Stars Fdn Small Grants – next deadline – 5 Feb

The 7stars Foundation awards small grants to support the most challenged under 16 year olds in the UK to achieve their potential.

They have four priority areas of abuse, addiction, young carers and homelessness and operate four funding streams:

Project Funding of up to £2,500 for registered charities aligned to the Foundation’s funding priorities and age range.

Shine Bright funding of up to £1,500 for registered charities to purchase items and resources to protect and support the children they serve through the cost of living crisis.

Individual Grants of up to £500 to individuals affected by the Foundation’s priority themes and represented by a safeguarding, legal, social or outreach referee. Applications must be submitted by supporting professionals.

Social Impact Grants of up to £1,500 grants to charities across the year, which are aligned to selected awareness days. A maximum of three charities will be shortlisted for each award, with the7stars agency team voting on which charity will be awarded.

For more details, visit the 7Stars Foundation website.