Who does what in Richmond

Community Involvement is about bringing together people who use health and social care services, those who commission them (the Council and NHS), and those who provide services. By involving community members, better services can be commissioned and provided.  This page gives you basic information about opportunities in Richmond.

Richmond CVS

We employ a Community Involvement Manager, whose role is to strengthen community involvement in health and social care provision. We work with the Council, the NHS Integrated Care Board, Healthwatch Richmond and a range of local organisations and we facilitate involvement of service users and carers in the work of the Council and the NHS Integrated Care Board.

Involvement and Co-Production Support Group

This group provides a forum for people with lived experience of health and care, including unpaid carers, who participate in groups which influence the development of Health and Care services.  The Richmond CVS Community Involvement Manager supports the group in its aim of strengthening the voice of people, with lived experience, in decision making.

Health and Social Care Co-Production Group

This is a group of people with lived experience of health and social care, including unpaid carers, who aim to support co-production with the council and local NHS. The group meets quarterly and is supported by Richmond Council and Richmond CVS.

Involvement Pool

We support a mailing list of people with lived experience who are interested in opportunities to influence or get involved with the development of local health and care services. For information on this, the Involvement and Co-Production Support Group or the Health and Social Care Co-Production group, please email involvement@richmondcvs.org.uk.

Healthwatch Richmond

The local Healthwatch service which is run by Richmond Health Voices promotes public involvement in the improvement of health and social care services. Healthwatch has a  responsibility to investigate, report and make recommendations on service issues identified by community members.

NHS South West London Integrated Care Board (SWL ICB)

The Integrated Care Board which operates across South West London and locally has a statutory 'Duty to Involve' and a 'Duty to feedback' written into law. It is judged not only on the quality of health care it commissions, but also on how it engages with its population.

London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

Richmond Council has a statutory duty to inform, engage and consult with people who live, work and visit in the Borough. It also co-ordinates the Health and Wellbeing Board which includes members from Richmond CCG and the voluntary sector.

Many opportunities exist to become more involved in the work of the ICB and the Council in relation to health and social care

GP Patient Participation Groups

All GP Practices should have a Patient Participation Group. The involvement opportunities they provide may vary, but you can find out by asking at the GP practice that you are registered with.

The Wider Voluntary Sector

Some organisations in the Voluntary and Community Sector may have involvement opportunities. If you use the services of an organisation, ask them what user involvement opportunities they provide. Organisations may also advertise some opportunities more widely.