About Richmond

The information and documents below will give you an overview and understanding of the demography, local needs and trends in the borough. This information influences the purchasing and commissioning of services in Richmond upon Thames and is useful to inform tenders and funding applications.
It is essential that when groups are preparing to tender for service delivery in the borough, you put your service in the context of both local intelligence and national policy. You must evidence how your provision meets the specified local need and achieves the outcomes set in the specification. The data and analysis collated and provided by LBRUT, Public Health, Achieving for Children and Richmond CCG will also help you when preparing applications to external funders, including charitable trusts, and in developing new projects evidenced by local need.
Richmond Council changed its political administration in May 2018 and is now led by the Liberal Democrats. It is likely that some of the current strategies and plans may be updated to reflect this.
The Census Borough Profile is a compilation and analysis of census information from 2011.
The Richmond Community Plan 2016-20 sets out a vision of the borough where local people are engaged and involved in their communities and where there is a vibrant and sustainable community and VCS to support residents and help them play a full role in community life.
The Richmond Equalities Mapping and Profile 2011 (based on statistical evidence from the census) - although produced in 2011, this document provides an interesting insight into equality and inclusion issues in Richmond and provides a baseline for understanding the changing demographic of the borough. The document includes a helpful executive summary, key findings by equality strand, and population projections to 2033.
Richmond State Of The Sector - November 2013 - research into better understanding the needs and aspirations of the local sector and the future support needs of the sector.
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is made up of documents covering a range of health and social care topics. It explores how Richmond upon Thames compares with others locally, regionally and nationally and considers currently what works well and what could be improved. Together with The Annual Report of the Director of Public Health The Richmond Story 2017/18 sets out the current context for the delivery of services in the borough, outlines future trends, and its approach to meeting the needs.
The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2016-21 sets out the vision of the Health and Well Being Board - “prevention and joined up services throughout peoples lives to enable all residents to start well, live well and age well”. The Board is a forum where key leaders from the health and social care system work together to improve the health and wellbeing of the local population and reduce inequalities.
Adult Social Care Strategies have been collated and are available LBRUT’s website. Particularly useful are:
- The Market Position Statement 2018/19 provides information on current supply and demand planned changes and emerging trends for services. It provides context for existing providers in the borough and those considering starting a business or extending their operations in Richmond.
- Promoting Wellbeing and Independence - A Framework for Prevention 2015-18 sets out plans formeeting future health prevention needs of Richmond residents and people registered with a Richmond GP.
- The Joint Dementia Strategy 2016-21
The Cultural Partnership Strategy 2015-19 provides a framework for arts, culture and sport in LBRUT, with the goal to increase involvement, raise ambition and build on the sense of place.
The South London Partnership is a sub-regional collaboration of the five boroughs of Croydon, Kingston, Merton, Richmond and Sutton. It concentrates its activity on the areas of economy, health and care, housing and planning, and skills and transport. It produces very useful data focused on issues where working together adds value to what each individual borough could achieve on their own
The Richmond Children and Young People’s Needs Assessment 2017 provides an overview of the needs of children and young people and highlights local priorities. It includes a comprehensive data set and needs analysis
The Richmond and Kingston Local Children’s Safeguarding Board provides a strategic overview and co-ordination function for child protection and safeguarding in the two boroughs. The Annual Report highlights issues and trends, and the local priorities for keeping children safe.
The Richmond Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Transformation Plan 2015-20 includes a comprehensive local assessment of need, achievements to date and the road map to transformation for Richmond.
Healthwatch Richmond enables local voices to influence the design and delivery of local services. Their Annual Report provides useful insight and information about local health and social care services, people’s experiences of them and how they can be improved.
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