FUNDING: Baily Thomas Charitable Fund – next deadline 1 Dec

The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund has a main and small grants programme that funds those affected by learning disability and those conducting research into it, with a particular focus on children and adults with severe learning difficulty or autism.

The General grants programme offers grants of over £9,000 and are considered three times a year.

The Small grants programme awards up to £5,000 and applications can be made at any time.

Both programmes are for organisations that aid research into learning disability and the care and relief of those affected by learning disability.

The following areas of work normally fall within the Fund’s current policy providing they benefit the learning disabled:

  • Capital building/renovation/refurbishment works for residential, nursing and respite care, and schools
  • Employment schemes including woodwork, crafts, printing and horticulture
  • Play schemes and play therapy schemes
  • Day and social activities centres including building costs and running costs
  • Support for families, including respite schemes
  • Independent living schemes
  • Support in the community schemes
  • Snoezelen rooms.

The rolling application deadlines for the General programme are:-

  • 1 December – for consideration at the meeting to be held in March. 
  • 1 March – for consideration at the meeting to be held in June. 
  • 1 August – for consideration at the meeting to be held in November. 

For full eligibility and details, visit the Baily Thomas website.