Statement on Recent Racially Motivated Unrest & Disorder

Like many of you, Richmond CVS has been shocked and saddened by the racist violence and thuggery we have seen in our country in recent times. We are encouraged by the huge numbers of people who came out last night to peacefully protest and stand against racism in all its forms, offering a message of hope not hate. 

As a charity that supports voluntary and community action in the borough of Richmond upon Thames, we condemn racism and stand with voluntary sector colleagues and statutory partners that support the most vulnerable and marginalised in our community.

Richmond upon Thames has recently been awarded Borough of Sanctuary status, and we celebrate this and the fact that our borough is a place that welcomes and is home to people from many countries, cultures and faiths. You can read Richmond Council’s statement on the unrest here

We know that some organisations, because of the work they do, may feel vulnerable at this time. If you or your beneficiaries feel intimidated or threatened we would encourage you to report this using the appropriate emergency (999) or non-emergency (101) numbers to the police.

If you have any concerns that you would like to be brought to the attention of the Borough Resilience Forum (BRF), then you can do that through Richmond CVS by emailing

We also wanted to alert you to some useful resources: 

London Plus and London Communities Emergencies Partnership (LCEP) have created a resource page, listing sources of support for voluntary, community and faith organisations in London. 

Understanding Hate Crime sessions (upcoming events) 

Hope Not Hate provide the attached guidance on Staying Safe amidst Far-Right Violence including a section specifically for charities and community organisations.

Richmond CVS will continue to monitor and work with Richmond Council, the Borough Resilience Forum and other partners, and work together to ensure the safety of all those in our community during this unsettling and difficult time.

Richmond CVS – 8 August 2024